All tutorial in this series are using MikroC pro from mikroelektronika. you can download free version of software for training purpose.
This is a simple 'Hello World' project. It turns on/off LEDs connected to
PORTA, PORTB, you can connect all 8 LEDs to each port or just place one LED to each port for testing example.
MCU: PIC18F45K22
Oscillator: HS-PLL 32.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal
void main() {
TRISA = 0; // set direction to be output
TRISB = 0; // set direction to be output
do {
LATA = 0x00; // Turn OFF LEDs on PORTA
LATB = 0x00; // Turn OFF LEDs on PORTB
Delay_ms(500); // 0.5 second delay
LATA = 0xFF; // Turn ON LEDs on PORTA
LATB = 0xFF; // Turn ON LEDs on PORTB
Delay_ms(500); // 0.5 second delay
} while(1); // Endless loop
This is a simple 'Hello World' project. It turns on/off LEDs connected to
PORTA, PORTB, you can connect all 8 LEDs to each port or just place one LED to each port for testing example.
MCU: PIC18F45K22
Oscillator: HS-PLL 32.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal
void main() {
TRISA = 0; // set direction to be output
TRISB = 0; // set direction to be output
do {
LATA = 0x00; // Turn OFF LEDs on PORTA
LATB = 0x00; // Turn OFF LEDs on PORTB
Delay_ms(500); // 0.5 second delay
LATA = 0xFF; // Turn ON LEDs on PORTA
LATB = 0xFF; // Turn ON LEDs on PORTB
Delay_ms(500); // 0.5 second delay
} while(1); // Endless loop
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